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Learn about 4DMedical’s latest developments and future projects as well—all aimed at significantly improving early detection, diagnosis, and therapeutic strategies for a range of pulmonary conditions, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, and lung cancer.

14 June 2024
It might come as a surprise that a silent assailant lurks within our homes, offices, and public spaces: indoor airborne particulates. These seemingly innocuous particles, invisible to the naked eye, have a profound impact on our respiratory health.
07 June 2024
Respiratory disease among women often goes under-recognized and under-treated. The number of women being diagnosed with lung disease is on the rise, and women are usually diagnosed at a later stage and dying from lung disease at higher rates than men. You probably didn’t know that lung cancer is the
01 June 2024
The RSNA annual meeting is the world’s leading radiology forum; offering a robust research and education program, access to the latest medical imaging technologies and an array of opportunities for professional engagement and career advancement.
31 May 2024
Stress is an inevitable part of life, affecting us physically, mentally, and emotionally. While we often associate stress with its psychological impacts, its effects on physical health, particularly on organs like the lungs, are equally significant. The respiratory system, comprising the lungs and airways, is crucial for our survival, facilitating
07 May 2024
The relationship between health and economic stability is multifaceted and profound, extending to virtually every aspect of our well-being. One area where this connection is particularly evident yet often overlooked is respiratory health. Economic stability has a substantial impact on lung health outcomes for individuals and communities.
29 April 2024
There is the age-old question of nature vs. nurture when it comes to human behavior or health. While we may have no control over our genetics, it’s critical to examine the social determinants of health that can influence our long-term well-being. The lungs take one of the biggest hits from
19 April 2024
"4D’s patented XV Technology platform enables doctors to understand ‘regional’ airflow in the lungs, thus identifying illnesses with greater efficacy as patients breathe."
22 March 2024
Imagine breathing in burning plastic for days and days on end. Unfortunately, that is the experience that many of our veterans have endured. The PACT Act is the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring Our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act. The Act was signed into effect by President

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