Applications (conditions)

4DMedical XV LVAS

The Device provides reproducible quantification of ventilation for pulmonary tissue, which is essential for providing quantitative support for diagnosis and follow up examinations. The Device can be used to support the physician in the diagnosis and documentation of inhomogeneities and defects in pulmonary ventilation. Quantification and statistics are provided in the form of a Report.
It’s time for a new modality.
Spirometry. X-ray. CT scan. For decades, these have been the best practice modalities for detecting lung disease. While each provides important insights, they often detect anomalies too late for patients to receive effective treatment. CT & X-ray can only image the structure of the lung. From these images, specialists attempt to infer lung function, or in the case spirometry, give an averaged, global measurement of airflow.

A new view of lung health

The XV Technology Lung Ventilation Analysis Software (XV LVAS Ventilation) provides a state-of-the-art, non-invasive way of understanding regional lung motion and airflow. It enables highly-detailed maps of both the patterns of lung motion and pulmonary function, with functional deficits detected through local (regional) differences in movement.
The XV LVAS delivers information not available via other modalities.
Measuring regional ventilation, the report enables physicians to detect areas of high and low ventilation with pinpoint accuracy. Ventilation is calculated for all parts of the lung, in all phases of the breath.
A color-coded visualization is generated, showing both coronal and axial slices at peak inspiration, plus a 4-dimensional animation. Red depicts regions of low ventilation, green regions of average ventilation and blue regions of high ventilation.

Diagnostic Support

Earlier diagnosis and treatment can be assisted by more sensitive and accurate assessments of regional lung ventilation. For chronic and progressive lung diseases with dyspnea, poor exercise tolerance, chronic cough with or without sputum production, and wheezing to respiratory failure involving the airways and/or pulmonary parenchyma that results in changes in regional airflow or ventilatory obstruction. Test results are available quickly which means that physicians are making management decisions with the assistance of additional innovative functional insights into the status of lung health. Physicians are easily able to communicate treatment plans and management options with patients and their care providers.

Patient Treatment and Monitoring

Low radiation makes XV LVAS an ideal solution for monitoring disease progression and therapeutic effectiveness in indications such as COPD and CF. Importantly XV LVAS helps clinicians confirm management course since improvements in clinical symptoms do not necessarily correlate with spirometric responses to therapy or reduction of long-term decline in FEV1. Similarly, exposure or infection can lead to fibrotic changes in how airflows through regions of the lung that can significantly affect health and well being.

Clinical Trial Support

XV LVAS provides more sensitivity, repeatable measures and novel endpoints for new clinical trials. Knowledge creation to improves diagnosis and therapeutic success for patients is with acute and chronic pulmonary diseases. Pioneering medical research means patients have access to state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatments. Functional lung imaging as a companion diagnostic for innovative therapies provides additional high quality illustrations that can assist in maximizing therapeutic engagement.

Physician Testimonial

Chest Radiologist and Clinical Director
The current best utility for this technique is in the following two scenarios;
  • Follow-up of patients with relatively stable or slowly progressive lung disease, where the need for repeat CT imaging can be minimized or eliminated. The baseline numerical value can be established at the initial screening or diagnosis phase of the patient’s management, and then objectively tracked as part of longitudinal follow-up. This is of particular value for younger patients where the intent is to minimize cumulative radiation exposure from medical imaging.
  • Patients with early/subtle pulmonary fibrosis, where there is a clinical discordance between clinical presentation and/or conventional tests of spirometry and DLCO, compared to CT findings. This group of patients would include those with diverse set of pulmonary diseases such as post-infection/post-inflammation and those with primary fibrotic lung conditions.

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